In the opening of QUARTET, Heiner Müller writes: ‘Space-time: Salon before the French Revolution / Bunker after the World War
Vão Theater is a cultural association that starts from the need of artists and creators from different fields and backgrounds to have a space, both physical and human, to research and experiment with all their freedom.
In the opening of QUARTET, Heiner Müller writes: ‘Space-time: Salon before the French Revolution / Bunker after the World War
Three dates of birth make way for a reflection on the 20th century. From Che Guevara to Captain America, from
Aleph resulta de uma hipótese inverosímil: a de ser possível o acto de conhecer a incomensurabilidade e a infinitude da
Where you can not love do not delay, is the latency of the body of the interpreter made word of